Panel - Water and energy between efficiency and climate change challenges
The international activities of Acquedotto Pugliese
Gianfredi Mazzolani, Director of Research, Development and International Activities
Study of the impacts of climate change on the water availability of reservoirs serving Acquedotto Pugliese
Luciano Venditti, Head of Water Planning and Balance
The management of complex water systems under water scarcity
Nicola Sicolo, Head of Operation of the Water Transmission
Water and energy between efficiency and sustainability
Giuseppe Rizzi, Energy Manager
The experience of Acquedotto Pugliese in managing municipal wastewater treatment plants and refining plants for irrigation reuse
Nicola Tselikas, Head of Wastewater Treatment
Challenges and opportunities across power system and water sector: a grid operators’ perspective
Antonio Iliceto, Senior expert on energy transition and innovation in power systems
Gianfredi Mazzolani
Civil engineer specialized in hydraulic and environmental engineering, with more than 25 years of experience in the management of water and wastewater services. After graduating with honors in Civil Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, he obtained a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and a PhD in Sanitary Engineering from the Technical University of Milan.
He started his post-graduate career as Research Assistant at UCLA and Assistant Professor at University of Sannio (Italy). Since 2000, he serves Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, a major Italian water utility with 2,300 employees, holding progressively high degrees of responsibilities in the implementation of major projects and activities of the company. He acquired experience in several sectors, including investment planning, project implementation including R&D and international projects, sector regulation and tariffs, meter and smart meter management, water losses management and control. He is Director of Research, Development and International Activities of Acquedotto Pugliese.
Luciano Venditti
Civil engineer specialized in hydraulic and environmental engineering, with more than 25 years of experience in the management of water and wastewater services. Since 2001, he serves Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, a major Italian water utility with 2,300 employees, holding progressively high degrees of responsibilities in the implementation of major projects and activities of the company. He acquired experience in several sectors, including investment planning, project implementation including R&D, international projects, water losses management and control, and many years of experience in managing large hydraulic and transport supply structures to ensure the drinking water for over 4.5 million people. In the last period he develops the study of the impact of climate change vs AQP service. He is Head of Water Planning and Balance.
Nicola Siloro
Nicola Sicolo is a Civil engineer who specializes in hydraulic engineering. Since graduating from Politecnico of Bari, Sicolo has acquired over 20 years of experience in the management of water services. In 2021 he completed his master’s in Management of Water Systems from LUM University of Bari.
Since 2007, Sicolo has worked for Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, a major Italian water utility which has 2,300 employees and is unique in Europe in terms of complexity, size and technical characteristics.
During his time at Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, Sicolo’s responsibilities have increased. He has been the Head of Large Adduction Operations since 2015 and the Head of the Springs of AQP since 2023. In his role, he oversees the daily decisions regarding the sources from which the Apulian Aqueduct draws water, the quantities to be extracted, and how the water is delivered to city networks.
Giuseppe Rizzi
Giuseppe Rizzi is an Electrical engineer specialized in energy management and energy efficiency . Since graduating from Politecnico of Bari, Rizzi has acquired over 20 years of experience in management of gas, electricity and water utilities. He worked in SNAM, GSE, TERNA and since 2007 in Acquedotto Pugliese; in 2022 he completed his studies with Master in “Circular Economy” at Politecnico of Bari.
He is Energy Manager in Acquedotto Pugliese SpA, a major Italian water utility which has 2,300 employees and is unique in Europe in terms of complexity, size and technical characteristics: it’s one of the most energy intensive companies in Italy.
In his role, he is a chief of energy management and energy efficiency, project manager of renowable power plants (hydroelettric and fotovoltaic) and ISO 50001 management system manager.
Nicola Tselikas
Nicola Tselikas is a civil engineer with a specialization in hydraulic engineering.
In Acquedotto Pugliese, from 2007 to 2015 he was a member of the Waste Water Area staff of the Territorial Structure of Lecce, dealing among with management and maintenance of waste water treatment plants.
From 2015 to 2022, as head of Waste Water Area of the Territorial Structure of Foggia, he was responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of approximately 68 treatment plants.
From 2022 to 2024 he was the plant management area manager of Acquedotto Pugliese.
Since September 2024 he has been assigned to the Green Strategies Area relating to the Green Management Area of the Environment and Energy Directorate of Acquedotto Pugliese.
Antonio Iliceto
Recent fields of activities: Sector Coupling, Hydrogen and EV impact on power grids, Electrification of Industrial processes and Built Environment, Interconnections and Global Grids, Flexibility & Resilience studies, Energy Scenarios and Projects’ Economic Assessments, European Innovation Roadmaps.
Employed in Terna Rete Italia (Italian Transmission System Operator) since 23 years; currently in International Operations within Strategy, Planning and Despatching Dept; previous positions in international business development, interconnection projects, investment planning, technical innovation deployment, electricity market set-up and evolution.
Previously engaged 10 years in ENI, Italian major in Oil & Gas sector, engaged in strategic development, investment appraisal, international operations, merging&acquisitions.
Current active roles in International Organisations: CIGRE, ENTSO-E, MedTSO, ETIP SNET, ISGAN, IEC, IEA, WEF, Dii Desert Energy, GEIDCO,EPRI.
He is Chairman of Study Committee C1 (Power System Development & Economics), Senior Member of Technical Council, Chair of Africa-World Bank Initiative, Liason officer with IEC ACTAD, Member of IEEE-CIGRE liason Group.