Call for the candidature of registered papers to TUNE Award
The IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group (AG) of the IEEE Italy Section is pleased to announce the first edition of the TUNE – Technology sUpporting and empoweriNg womEn Award, a prize for the paper demonstrating technology best supporting and empowering women in the STEM disciplines.
IEEE WIE is one of the largest international professional organizations dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering.
This call is devoted to all the IEEE IHTC 2024 papers that are in line with one or more of the 12 objectives of the Commitment Chart WIE.steer2STEM.chart – “Steering girls to STEM”, an annually updated document written by The IEEE WIE AG of the IEEE Italy Section, aiming to address the underrepresentation of women in STEM.
The chart objectives are:
- Orientation to women in schools since childhood;
- Demonstration of the advantages derived from female presence in working realities;
- Promotion of “best practices” for facilitating the access and supporting women in the engineering disciplines;
- Sharing of skills;
- Sharing of own initiatives;
- Mapping of actions implemented by other subjects;
- Emphasis on the role of the family to make them understand that there are not “male” or “female” activities;
- Inspiring and mentoring;
- Support to school offices to apply for funding;
- Search for financial support for the initiatives;
- Effective communication;
- Involvement of institutions.
Authors are invited to candidate their high quality papers, already accepted for presentation at the IEEE IHTC 2024, reporting original research or a comprehensive state of the art which content can be in line with any or more of the previous objectives.
Papers will be evaluated by the TUNE-WIE committee listed below, accounting for the amount and degree of satisfaction with respect to the chart’s objectives listed above.
To be eligible for the contest, the paper must be covered by at least one conference registration.
The award ceremony will take place on Friday November 29th 2024 during the Panel Session “Humanitarian Efforts Empowering Women through Technology” organized by the IEEE WIE Affinity Group within the IEEE IHTC 2024.
The deadline to apply for the selection is Friday November 22nd 2024
If you are considering to candidate your paper, send an email to patrizia.lamberti@ieee.org with the following information:
- Paper EDAS (10 digits)
- Title of the contribution
- Authors with affiliations
- IEEE Membership (if any)
- A PDF file with the accepted paper
Organizer: IEEE WIE AG Italy section
Patrizia Lamberti, chair IEEE WIE AG Italy section
Roberta Di Pace, outreach activities responsible IEEE WIE AG Italy section
Valentina Consolo, volunteer IEEE WIE AG Italy section
TUNE-WIE committee
Margarida Trigo, member IEEE Region 8 Women In Engineering
Larissa Abi Nakhle, IEEE Region 8 Women In Engineering – CRSP Member
Patrizia Lamberti, chair IEEE WIE AG Italy section
Roberta Di Pace, outreach activities responsible IEEE WIE AG Italy section
Valentina Consolo, volunteer IEEE WIE AG Italy section