Panel - Empowering Africa through Industrial certified Electricity Education
29 November 2024
16:30 – 17:30
The panel is devoted to examples and opportunities of expertise in Africa of education, at academic and non-academic levels, for electric practitioners. The role of education is to address the demand of labor markets, and this is particularly important where the young population is growing. The field of electrification education through digital learning and could provide certified certifications for increasing job opportunities in household and industrial application. Moreover, the transfer of know-how and technical experience to organizations and professionals by means of knowledge base provision and physical interactive training programs can enhance the awareness of electric technology potentials.
Tom Murad
President IEEE Canada – Region 7 Director
Dr. Tom Murad, The IEEE Canada President & Director IEEE – R7. A member of Engineering Order of Honour – Professional Engineers Ontario “PEO”, is a respected Technology leader, Innovator, thinker, Board Member, award-winning Educator, and distinguished speaker& advocate of innovation and creativity specifically in the Areas of: Engineering & Technology, Mechatronics, Digitalization, Smart Infrastructure, Industry – 4.0 & 5.0, Leadership, and technical education & talents / skills development.
He Joined Siemens in Canada ( 2010 – 2023 ). His latest role was the “Country Lead (V.P.) of “Engineering , Technical Excellence & Academics”, as well as being the founder & Director of “ Awards winning “ the Siemens Canada Engineering and Technology Academy “SCETA”, and the Siemens Mechatronics Systems certification Program ( 2014 – 2020 ). Prior to that, he held different Executive Management & C – Level roles with an extensive career in Professional Engineering, Innovative Technical Operations and including Academia and R&D work. He is now Adjunct professor at the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences- University of Guelph and “ CTO “ of Innoventus Engineering, also serving as a member of various advisory Boards of Directors in Industry and Academia. Dr. Murad holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronics), and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Power Electronics and Industrial Controls from Loughborough University of Technology in the UK, with a Leadership Program Certificate from Schulich Business School, York University in Ontario, Canada.
Nader Imani
Executive Vice President Global Education Festo Didactic SE
After 3 years of academic research and teaching, Dr. Nader Imani joined Festo, a global leader in automation and technical education in 1992. Since then he has been assuming different roles and management responsibilities with Festo Didactic in Germany, as well as acting as CEO of Festo Didactic in the United States and Canada, since 2017 appointed as Executive Vice President Global Education, he has been responsible for larger educational projects with impact on socio-economic progress around the globe.
He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering of Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France as well as qualification degrees from Harvard Business School in the United States and Saint Gallen School of Management in Switzerland.
In 2014 he was elected as a member of the council and since the beginning of 2021, Dr. Imani has been appointed President of the Worlddidac organization. Within the frame of his professional activities, Dr. Imani serves WorldSkills International since 2017 as a member of its Advisory Board on Skills Development in Africa and is currently serving the European Union as a private sector advisor for the Global Gateway Program. Dr. Imani has been acting as an active partner of the United Nations as well as bi- and multi-lateral development agencies to drive innovation in the field of technical vocational education and training and industrial workforce development.
Antonio Iliceto
Acquedotto Pugliese
Recent fields of activities: Sector Coupling, Hydrogen and EV impact on power grids, Electrification of Industrial processes and Built Environment, Interconnections and Global Grids, Flexibility & Resilience studies, Energy Scenarios and Projects’ Economic Assessments, European Innovation Roadmaps.
Employed in Terna Rete Italia (Italian Transmission System Operator) since 23 years; currently in International Operations within Strategy, Planning and Despatching Dept; previous positions in international business development, interconnection projects, investment planning, technical innovation deployment, electricity market set-up and evolution.
Previously engaged 10 years in ENI, Italian major in Oil & Gas sector, engaged in strategic development, investment appraisal, international operations, merging&acquisitions.
Current active roles in International Organisations: CIGRE, ENTSO-E, MedTSO, ETIP SNET, ISGAN, IEC, IEA, WEF, Dii Desert Energy, GEIDCO,EPRI.
He is Chairman of Study Committee C1 (Power System Development & Economics), Senior Member of Technical Council, Chair of Africa-World Bank Initiative, Liason officer with IEC ACTAD, Member of IEEE-CIGRE liason Group.