Keynote Speakers
Stefano Besseghini
President of ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment

Stefano Besseghini was born in Tirano (Sondrio) in 1966. Married, with one son, he graduated in Physics at the University of Milan and then at the same University specialized in Materials Science and Technology, graduating summa cum laude.
In August 2018 he was appointed President of ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment for the term 2018-2025.
In September 2018 he was appointed Vice-President of Medreg, the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators.
In November 2010 he was appointed CEO of RSE – Ricerca Sistema Energetico, and then confirmed in May 2011 for a further three-year term 2011-2013. In June 2014 he was appointed Chairman of RSE while also retaining his position as CEO.
He has contributed to the development of a regional innovation project promoting the growth of the Valtellina Innovation Hub (Polo dell’Innovazione della Valtellina – Politec), to which he was appointed CEO from 2007 to 2011. He was also appointed President of Politec Banda Larga.
He carried out research activities at the National Research Council (Cnr), becoming head of the Lecco office in 1996, one of the most highly regarded institutions in the field of physical metallurgy in Italy.
He has been responsible for several national and international research projects, always working in close contact with the industry and leading to the development of several successful technology transfer projects.
He has co-written seven patent applications, published eighty papers and articles on a number of international publications, and given numerous presentations at national and international conferences and events. He is also an evaluator for international, national and regional research projects, and a referee for international journals.
Lwanga Herbert
Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board

Lwanga Herbert, is a Technology promoter, innovator, researcher, entrepreneur and enthusiast best known for promoting technology, innovation and entrepreneurship for the benefit of communities and society as whole. Lwanga Herbert currently serves a Global chair of the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board (HTB) that focuses on supporting impactful and ethically informed volunteer-led initiatives, programs and projects, and mutually beneficial partnerships, as well as to inform policy formulation that harness technology and innovation to address societal challenges in a responsive, effective, and sustainable way. Previously (2021 – 2022) he served as a Chair of IEEE SIGHT. He is also a co-founder of Logel Science Foundation, a non-profit organization which focuses on conducting research, development and innovation activities whose end results are aimed to benefit humanity. He also co-founded LOG`EL GROUP Ltd a technology company which emphasizes use of local talent to develop technology solutions that address locally based challenges and concerns. Previously, he has won different awards among others which includes the Ugandan Presidential Innovation Award 2005 – that focused on rewarding young innovators.
Magdalena Salazar Palma
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Born in Granada, Spain. Received the MS and PhD degrees in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Technical University of Madrid, Spain. Since 2004 she is with the Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain, where she has been Full Professor, head of the Department and co-director of the Radiofrequency, Electromagnetics, Microwaves and Antennas Research Group. She is now Honorary Emeritus Professor.
Her research deals with several topics, like electromagnetic field theory; advanced computational and numerical methods for microwave and millimeter wave passive components and antennas analysis and design; advanced network theory for passive devices, filters and multiplexers theory and design; antenna arrays, smart antennas, and more. Author of 754 publications, among them 9 scientific books, 122 articles in scientific journals, 406 contributions for international symposia. Coauthor of 2 European/USA patents and several software packages, under exploitation by multinational companies. Participated (as PI or researcher) in 97 research projects and contracts financed by Spanish, European, and USA public institutions and companies. Served in accreditation panels for institutions in Spain and abroad. Served in evaluation panels of the Commission of the European Communities, and other countries, including the National Science Foundation in USA. Associate editor of several scientific journals, member of the Technical Program or Organizing Committees of many international and national symposia, and reviewer for many international scientific journals, symposia, and editorial companies. She received three research awards and in 2016 a Honorary Doctorate from Aalto University, Finland. Received other awards and recognitions, among them the elevation to IEEE Fellow and the induction as member of IEEE-HKN. The Spanish Official National Association of Telecommunication Engineers gave her the 2022 IT Pioneer award. In 2024 she received the R8 Clementina Saduwa Award.
Member of IEEE since 1989. From 2020 she is IEEE Life Fellow. Member of five IEEE Technical Societies: AP-S, ComSoc, Education Society, MAG-S, MTT-S, and three AGs: WIE, LF, and YP. Since 1989 she served IEEE under different volunteer positions (around 120) including Spain Section Chair, WIE Committee Chair, Antennas and Propagation Society President, Region 8 Director, General Chair of IEEE Sections Congress 2014, Chair of IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee, and many more. Currently she is member of IEEE HTB, IEEE Fellow Committee and Fellow Diversity Oversight Subcommittee, IEEE Conduct Review Committee, IEEE Honorary Membership Committee, IEEE WIE N&A Committee, Chair of the IEEE European Public Policy, member of TAB Periodicals Committee, TAB N&A Committee, Vice Chair MGA GUO, member of AP-S Strategic Planning Committee, MTT-S MAG Committee, R8 representative to Africa Council, and more.