Speakers and Panelists


Stefano Besseghini

President of ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment

Stefano Besseghini was born in Tirano (Sondrio) in 1966. Married, with one son, he graduated in Physics at the University of Milan and then at the same University specialized in Materials Science and Technology, graduating summa cum laude.
In August 2018 he was appointed President of ARERA, the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment for the term 2018-2025.
In September 2018 he was appointed Vice-President of Medreg, the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators.
In November 2010 he was appointed CEO of RSE – Ricerca Sistema Energetico, and then confirmed in May 2011 for a further three-year term 2011-2013. In June 2014 he was appointed Chairman of RSE while also retaining his position as CEO.
He has contributed to the development of a regional innovation project promoting the growth of the Valtellina Innovation Hub (Polo dell’Innovazione della Valtellina – Politec), to which he was appointed CEO from 2007 to 2011. He was also appointed President of Politec Banda Larga.
He carried out research activities at the National Research Council (Cnr), becoming head of the Lecco office in 1996, one of the most highly regarded institutions in the field of physical metallurgy in Italy.
He has been responsible for several national and international research projects, always working in close contact with the industry and leading to the development of several successful technology transfer projects.
He has co-written seven patent applications, published eighty papers and articles on a number of international publications, and given numerous presentations at national and international conferences and events. He is also an evaluator for international, national and regional research projects, and a referee for international journals.

Alberto Biancardi

Vice-Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Energy at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Vice Chair of OMEC’s Strategy and International Cooperation Committee, International Relations at Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE Spa (The Italian Energy Services Agency), Secretary-general at AREL (Centre for Studies, Research and Legislation Agency)

Vice-Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Energy (elected by the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy) at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). In charge of International Relations at Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE Spa (The Italian Energy Services Agency). Secretary-general at AREL (Centre for Studies, Research and Legislation Agency). Vice Chair of OMEC’s Strategy and International Cooperation Committee. With a background as economist, he served with the following institutions: AGCM (the Italian Antitrust Authority, the Italian Electricity and Gas Regulatory Authority, the Single Buyer (Acquirente Unico Spa), the Ministry for Industry and the Italian Prime Minister’s Office. In the latter institution, he coordinated the NARS (the counselling unit operating with the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning, or ‘CIPE’, on the regulatory themes related to network-infrastructure services). He also served with Eni and Enel (as the President’s assistant). From March 2007 to the current office, he served as: Director General of the Equalisation Fund for the Electricity Sector (CCSE). He has been Chair of WAREG (European Water Regulators) in 2015. Alberto Biancardi is the author of numerous publications on public services and economic regulation.

Marcello Capra

Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security

Marcello Capra is Senior Advisor of the Department of Energy of the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security. He is graduated in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza, started his career in the power generation sector in F.B.M.-HUDSON ITALIANA S.p.A. (Milan, Italy). In 1983 he entered ENEA, the National Agency for R&D in Energy and Environment, where he took on many responsibilities, as Experimental Areas manager and director for Energy-Demand Technologies. In 2002 he has been appointed, by the Minister of Economic Development, Member of the Secretariat of the Department of Energy of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.  He represented the Ministry in many international organisations such as the International Energy Agency, the World Energy Council (WEC), the European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. He served also as member of the Board of RSE Spa, Milan. He actively contributed to the Italian participation to the international partnership Mission Innovation.  He is also member of the Italian Delegation of the Cluster “Energy, Mobility and Climate” of the Horizon Europe Programme for R&D funding.

Giovanna Ceglie

Director of the United Nations Global Service Centre (UNGSC)

Appointed in August 2019, Giovanna Ceglie is Director of the United Nations Global Service Centre (UNGSC), comprising UNGSC Brindisi (Italy) and the United Nations Information and Communications Technology Facility (UNICTF) in Valencia (Spain). Giovanna Ceglie is Italian and holds a master’s degree in business administration and a post-graduate degree in Development Studies. A former Director at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization, and environmental sustainability, she is an expert in private sector support policies for job creation and sustainable growth. As UNIDO Regional Director in Cairo, from 2011 till 2019, she managed a large portfolio of projects on agro-industrial development, cleaner production and resource efficiency, small and medium enterprise promotion and job creation, and renewable energy. She was awarded the environmental champion award by the Minister of Environment in Egypt in 2019. Prior to her position in Cairo, she led the UNIDO programme for clusters and business linkages providing technical assistance and policy advice to over 30 developing countries.

Franco Cotana

CEO RSE (Ricerca Sistema Energetico)

Franco Cotana is an Italian engineer, scientist, and a member of the board of directors of the University of Perugia from 2014 to 2019. He was formerly president from March until October 2014 of the National Commission’s IPPC-AIA at the Ministry of the Environment. He graduated cum laude in electrical engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza. In 2001, he became a full professor of industrial and technical physics in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Perugia to coordinate technical physics section of the Department. Author of over 300 scientific publications in highly interdisciplinary journals and holder of 20 patents, he is an expert evaluator of national and international projects MIUR with over 20 years of experience. From 2009, he has been the Italian representative in Brussels for the SET-Plan EIBI (strategic energy technology plan – European industrial bioenergy Initiative). In 2014, after several experiences in various boards of public companies-private, Franco Cotana became member of the board of directors of the University of Perugia as one of the 5 members elected by the University Senate representing the Engineering, Veterinary and Agricultural sciences. Since July 2023 he is the CEO of RSE.

Paul Cunningham

Chair, IEEE Region 8 Climate Change Committee

Prof. Paul M. Cunningham has over two decades’ experience collaborating with key stakeholder groups to co-design and implement ethical, impactful Sustainable Development related policy, research and innovation and implementation activities including international policy and research conferences hosted by African and European governments. He is Executive Director of the not-for-profit policy and research IST-Africa Institute, a strategic collaboration with 18 African ministries and national councils responsible for Innovation, Science and Technology related policy, research, implementation, and adoption. As President & CEO, IIMC, Paul leads teams providing technological, strategic and policy expertise to national and international government organizations and research programs. Paul’s international, inter-disciplinary research track record was recognized by Enterprise Ireland (Irish Champion of EU Research – 2015, 2017). A Distinguished Lecturer with IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT), Paul is a Past Director, IEEE Division VI (responsible for 7 IEEE Societies); former President and VP Conferences, IEEE SSIT; and former Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee. Paul currently serves as Chair, IEEE UK and Ireland Section; Chair, Region 8 Climate Change Committee; Chair, IEEE Division VI Nominations Committee; and Vice-Chair, IEEE Conference Portfolio Review Committee. Paul also serves as a Member of the IEEE in 2050, IEEE Society and Council Review (SCRC), IEEE TAB Finance (TAB FinCom), IEEE TAB Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and IEEE MGA Geographic Unit Operations Support (GUOS) Committees.

Francesco Del Pizzo

Executive Vice President for Grid Development Strategies and Dispatching of Terna S.p.A.

Francesco Del Pizzo is the Executive Vice President for Grid Development Strategies and Dispatching at the Terna Group, where he was hired in June 2020. From 2018 to 2020, he managed Acea S.p.A.’s Industrial Energy Infrastructure Area and was Executive Chairman of Areti, the energy distribution company for the metropolitan area of Rome. From 2005 to 2013, he was already working for the Terna Group, taking on roles of increasing responsibility: CIO, Dispatching and Energy Operations Director, President at Suntergrid, Chairman of Terna Plus and Terna Storage. Previously, he held various notable positions at international energy, technology and consulting companies: VP at IGT, a leading commercial operator and technology provider for regulated gaming markets worldwide; Renewable and Smartgrid Director at DEWA, a public water and power company based in Dubai. Associate Principal at McKinsey & Company, a global strategic consulting firm.  Francesco Del Pizzo holds a degree in Information Sciences (Computer Science) from the University of Salerno and a master’s degree in telecommunications from the Polytechnic University of Turin. During academic year 2022-2023, he served as a lecturer on the “Smart Energy Management & Technologies for Sustainability” course at the University of Salerno.

René Garello

Chair of the Ocean Best Practices Systems (OBPS) – UNESCO/IOC/IODE, past-IEEE President of Oceanographic Society, President of the IEEE France Section, professor Emeritus at IMT Atlantique, Life Fellow IEEE

René Garello (IEEE Grades M’85; SM’96, F’06, LF’20) was born in 1953. He received the Ph.D. degree in Signal Processing at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) in 1981. From 1982 to 1984 he worked as a Research Associate at Aeronomy Lab, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) at Boulder, Colorado (USA). In 1988, he became Professor in this engineering school in the field of signal processing and image processing and in 1995, Prof. Garello obtained his Habilitation (HDR; Habilitation to Supervise Research). Prof. Garello retired in Sept. 2021 with the status of Professor Emeritus. His main research interests lie in Remote Sensing, 2D signal processing, statistical and spectral analysis applied to ocean surface features detection and characterization. For the last two decades, he has worked in the development of signal and image processing tools for the interpretation of radar signals and the extraction of sea surface features, either natural (wind, waves, currents) or manmade (ships, pollution). He is presently engaged in several initiatives on the topic of Marine Debris and Plastic in the oceans, sustainable developments and ocean best practices systems. Prof. Garello has authored or co-authored more than 60 papers, a hundred and thirty conference communications and three books. For all his works, Prof. Garello was elevated to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE, class of 2006, “for contributions to signal processing applied to remote sensing of the ocean”. Since 2023, he is co-chair of the OBPS (Ocean Best Practices System) Steering Committee, a UNESCO/IOC supported project. Prof. René Garello is presently President of the IEEE France Section, elected for the period 2023-2025.

Giorgio Graditi

General Director (ENEA)

Giorgio Graditi was appointed director general of ENEA following a public selection procedure, ratified by the Board of Directors (BoD) of the Agency, to be followed by administrative procedures. PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Palermo, Graditi currently holds the role of director of the ENEA Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources and PNRR coordinator. He started his career at ENEA in 2000 and has assumed numerous roles and conducted initiatives and projects in the field of energy technologies and renewable sources. Currently president of MEDENER, the association of agencies for energy, energy efficiency and renewable sources of the Mediterranean countries, he is responsible for various projects and initiatives at national and international level and holds the position of coordinator of the technical-scientific committee of the national energy technology cluster. He is responsible for the Program Agreement on hydrogen under the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and for the Program Agreement on smart grids, hydrogen and advanced materials for energy between ENEA and the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

Lwanga Herbert

Chair, IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board

Lwanga Herbert, is a Technology promoter, innovator, researcher, entrepreneur and enthusiast best known for promoting technology, innovation and entrepreneurship for the benefit of communities and society as whole. Lwanga Herbert currently serves a Global chair of the IEEE Humanitarian Technologies Board (HTB) that focuses on supporting impactful and ethically informed volunteer-led initiatives, programs and projects, and mutually beneficial partnerships, as well as to inform policy formulation that harness technology and innovation to address societal challenges in a responsive, effective, and sustainable way. Previously (2021 – 2022) he served as a Chair of IEEE SIGHT. He is also a co-founder of Logel Science Foundation, a non-profit organization which focuses on conducting research, development and innovation activities whose end results are aimed to benefit humanity. He also co-founded LOG`EL GROUP Ltd a technology company which emphasizes use of local talent to develop technology solutions that address locally based challenges and concerns. Previously, he has won different awards among others which includes the Ugandan Presidential Innovation Award 2005 – that focused on rewarding young innovators.

Vincenzo Ranieri

CEO e-distribuzione

Vincenzo Ranieri has been CEO of e-distribuzione SpA since March 2018. He previously held the position of Head of Planning and Control for the Enel Group and the Global Infrastructure and Networks division. With Enel since 2000, he has held various positions of responsibility including Chief Financial Officer of the Group’s subsidiaries in Romania and Slovakia. He holds a degree in Corporate Finance from LUISS-Guido Carli in Rome.

Semida Silveira

Cornell University and CEET Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition

Semida Silveira is a Professor of Practice in the Systems Engineering Program at Cornell University and a member of the CEET Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition created by the UN Secretary-General to accelerate climate change actions. Her goal is to contribute to science-based societal transformation, a global low-carbon circular economy, and sustainable development through transdisciplinary research, education, and actions with impact. Previously, she was a Full Professor in energy systems planning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, where she established and led the Energy and Climate Division of the Energy Technology Department for twelve years. She worked as a sustainability and climate expert at the Swedish Energy Agency, program manager for energy and climate at the Stockholm Environment Institute, and did research at MIT, IIASA (International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis), the University of Tübingen, and the University of Stockholm. She has acted in various company boards of directors, and advisory committees including the Swedish Royal Academy of Science, Swedish Research Council, and Finnish Academy of Sciences, among others. She won the Jabuti Literature Prize in 2001 in Brazil for the book Electricity for Sustainable Development (in Portuguese) and received an honorary medal from the Brazilian Embassy in Stockholm for her extensive work to build cooperation on innovation between Sweden and Brazil. She has developed and managed projects in collaboration with academics, multi-lateral organizations, governments, and the private sector in Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, and is the author of dozens of academic journal articles and books.

Valeria Termini

CNEL (National Council of Economy and Occupation)

Valeria Termini is a Full Professor of Political Economy at RomaTre University and a Senior Fellow at the Luiss Institute for European Analysis and Policy (LEAP). She serves as a Scientific Advisor for the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and Ernst & Young (E&Y). She collaborates with the Encyclopedia Treccani and the United Nations Working Group 5 on investment, finance, energy, and climate. From 2006 to 2008, she led the Italian delegation on Energy and Climate Change at the G8, United Nations, and OECD, and served as the Personal Representative of the Prime Minister Romano Prodi at the Major Economies Meetings (MEM), established by the U.S. Presidency to build the “post-Kyoto” governance. Between 2011 and 2018, she was a Commissioner at the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks, and Environment (ARERA), and from 2013 to 2017, she served as Vice-Chair of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), as well as being a member of the Board of Regulators of the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) from 2011 to 2015. She was also the Vice-President of MEDREG (Mediterranean Energy Regulators) from 2016 to 2018. In January 2021, she joined the United Nations Technical Working Group on Investment and Finance in the High-Level Energy Dialogue for COP 26. Currently, she is a scientific expert for the National Council of Economics and Occupation (CNEL), appointed by the President of the Italian Republic.

Soichiro Yasukawa

Chief of the Disaster Risk Reduction Unit – UNESCO Natural Science Sector

As the Chief of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Unit at UNESCO, Soichiro Yasukawa has over 10 years of experience in coordinating and supporting countries in enhancing their knowledge and capacity on DRR through a multi-hazard, multi-disciplines, and multi-stakeholders engagement approach. His mission is to promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework on DRR and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a focus on early warning systems, science, technology and innovation, school safety, cultural heritage and UNESCO-designated sites resilience, built environment, nature-based solutions, risk governance, and post-disaster response. He has a strong background in infrastructure management and urban development, with policy and technical expertise in building safety, regional and territorial planning, and economic and social analysis. He has also supervised and implemented multiple international development projects on DRR and built environments, involving funds from various sources and partners.